University of Toronto Libraries offering Open Access Journal Search Tool

Submitted by gerbigm on

The University of Toronto Libraries has simplified the process of identifying journals covered by existing open access agreements and discounts with the SciFree Journal Search Tool.

This tool offers a user-friendly, searchable platform that helps researchers identify journals with waived or discounted article processing charges (APCs). It provides key information such as journal title,  imprint, APC details, payment options, Creative Commons license types, and the associated publishing model. 

screen grab of UTL OA agreement journal search tool

Researchers can identify journals by searching by journal title, imprint, subject, or ISSN. To learn more about a journal’s APC deal and how it is applied, simply click the Who Pays icon listed for the specified journal. 

Where to start: Use the search box on UTL’s Publisher OA Agreements and Discounts webpage.

Questions? Email your Chemistry Librarian or

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