There are 7 study rooms that can be reserved in advance during our opening hours. All have electrical outlets and access to WiFi.
Capsaicin and Vanillin are equipped with video conferencing technology and digital whiteboards. They also have a variety of adjustable environmental settings, allowing the user to customize their experience (i.e. lighting, ventilation, fan).
Theobromine, Serotonin, Acetylcholine, Dopamine, and Caffeine have blackboards, chalk, and erasers.
Capacity limits are as follows:
- Theobromine: max occupancy of 4 people
- Serotonin: max occupancy of 4 people
- Acetylcholine: max occupancy of 2 people
- Dopamine: max occupancy of 3 people
- Vanillin: max occupancy of 4 people, min of 2 people
- Capsaicin: max occupancy of 4 people, min of 2 people
- Caffeine (largest room): max occupancy of 8 people, min of 2 people
Booking Policies:
- Study room bookings can be made by U of T students, staff, and faculty with a valid UTORid.
- Rooms can be booked for up to 1 hours per session and a maximum of 3 hours per day.
- Rooms can be booked up to 2 weeks in advance.
- Rooms are available on a first come, first served basis during timeslots with no reservations and for key holders who wish to use the rooms after-hours.
- Individuals using a study room with a posted occupancy minimum should be prepared to move if requested to do so by a group of 2 or more students.
- Those who have booked a room have priority for use of the room with the following exceptions:
- Those violating occupancy limits or other booking policies will forfeit the room.
- Rooms booked but unoccupied after 15 minutes will become available to other students.
- A group vacating a group study room for breaks longer than 20 minutes will forfeit the room.
Code of Conduct:
- Rooms are for studying and academic group work only.
- Please respect the maximum occupancy of each room. Bringing additional chairs into the rooms from other areas of the library is not permitted.
- Study rooms are not sound-proof; please be respectful of others in the area while using the rooms.
- Everyone using the study rooms is expected to honour the Library Conduct Regulations.
Disclaimer: The Department of Chemistry is not responsible for loss or damage of items left unattended in the room.