Please visit the links below for information and resources to help you publish, promote and evaluate the impact of your research.
Publisher OA Agreements & Discounts: The University of Toronto Libraries (UTL) offers discounts to eligible University of Toronto authors who are paying article processing charges (APCs) to make their research openly available. Use UTL's OA Journal Search Tool to search by individual journal title.
Open Access Publishing: Make your research freely available online to increase the impact of your work, comply with grant requirements, and make knowledge freely accessible to all. Learn about the different ways to publish OA.
Tri-Agency OA Policy: Do you receive funding from CIHR, NSERC, or SSHRC? Learn how to comply with the Tri-Agency Open Access Policy, in effect May 1, 2015.
TSpace: A free and secure research repository established by University of Toronto Libraries to disseminate and preserve the scholarly record of University of Toronto.
Research Impact: Learn about how to evaluate your impact using both traditional citation analysis tools and altmetrics. For help evaluating your research impact, ask your Chemistry Librarian.